Re-Opening 1st June
Elphicks are pleased to announce that we are now making plans to RE-OPEN our store on Monday 1st June following the recent update to government guidelines.
Over the next few weeks we will be contacting all our customers awaiting deliveries and flooring installations to re-book an appointment.
Of course, we shall be talking all the necessary safety precautions in respect of your safety and that of our staff. This is of paramount importance to us. We will be allowing only 8 customers into our store at any one time to make sure everyone can maintain social distancing and keep 2m apart. If however you require a Private Shopping Experience we are happy to make an appointment for you to visit our store outside our normal hours. For this service please contact Sue at
We shall also be asking all customers to use our hand sanitisers before entering and we will be operating ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ entrances which will be clearly marked for your safety. Our staff look forward welcoming you back to Elphicks and will be there to help you as ever but will also be paying great attention to making sure that we are following government guidelines in maintaining as safe an environment as possible.
In the meantime if you need to contact us please email or call
01480 453162
- 21st May 2020